Whyboy Spotlights… Turbo

A typical sports movie with sports movie clichés up the butt, starring fast snails voiced by some truly impeccable talents such as Samuel L. Jackson and Snoop Lion. Clearly we have a cinematic masterpiece, right?

Whyboy Spotlights… Epic

Just the title. EPIC. We’re in the age where terms like Epic are so overused and homogenized it’s sickening, so I unfairly decided to save my money and not see it in theatres.

Whyboy Spotlights… The Croods

A few months back while going to film school, I was discussing with my friends about which movies we were going to see, and being the animation guy one of my friends asked if I was going The Croods. Remembering how downtown Toronto was littered with The Croods advertisement I triumphantly replied “Maybe.” And I... Continue Reading →

Whyboy Spotlights… Candy Claus

This originally was gonna be a Cartoon Corner review but due to scheduling and time constraints Candy Claus was pushed back but you know this is the season of giving and I want to give you my take on the newest member of Santa’s family, Candy Claus, in full. Spoilers included. Prepare yourselves.

Whyboy Spotlights… Wreck-It Ralph

Wreck-It Ralph was EVERYWHERE these past few months. They made mock game cabinets, plastered posters everywhere, and posted multiple teasers and trailers on forums, gaming websites, E3, and, etc. etc. Wreck-It Ralph was definitely what Disney believed to be the next gamer movie that would surpass Tron (and I'm referring to the Original not the remake). Does Wreck-It Ralph deliver on this front?

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