Whyboy Spotlights… Ernest and Celestine

Time to finally get my foreign film into my list of animated films I saw in 2013. Technically by the wiki, Ernest and Celestine came out in France and Belgium in 2012 but I don't believe it was widely known until it hit film festivals in North America in 2013. That's where I heard about it and ever since I heard about it and seen the trailer I've been desperate to watch it. I'm the guy who really likes those down to Earth tales, stories that don't engage through action and suspense but through character development and interactions. That's exactly why I liked Mary & Max so much. But now that I've seen Ernest and Celestine was it worth the wait?

Whyboy Spotlights… Frozen

It's been a pretty solid year in the "Year of Standards," mostly unimpressive visuals, very copy and paste stories, and all around a year that hasn't leaned towards horrible but just meh. I've been told though that Frozen was going to change all that.

Whyboy Spotlights… Producing Parker

I’ve had my share of producing content in my life; a music video, an animation review series, a murder mystery play, and each time there are always new and amazing things that will make producers just want to rip their hair out in frustration and cry.

Whyboy Spotlights… Turbo

A typical sports movie with sports movie clichés up the butt, starring fast snails voiced by some truly impeccable talents such as Samuel L. Jackson and Snoop Lion. Clearly we have a cinematic masterpiece, right?

Whyboy Spotlights… Epic

Just the title. EPIC. We’re in the age where terms like Epic are so overused and homogenized it’s sickening, so I unfairly decided to save my money and not see it in theatres.

Whyboy Spotlights… The Croods

A few months back while going to film school, I was discussing with my friends about which movies we were going to see, and being the animation guy one of my friends asked if I was going The Croods. Remembering how downtown Toronto was littered with The Croods advertisement I triumphantly replied “Maybe.” And I... Continue Reading →

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