This is Taylor Wyatt

Taylor Wyatt is the owner of and an experienced freelance video editor with over half a decade of experience developing online content. He has gone through the Toronto Film School for TV and film writing and Durham College for video production. What he was taught was implemented by providing in-depth script coverage for hopeful... Continue Reading →

Whyboy Spotlights… Detective Conan

Hey everybody… you remember that hour and a half long video series where I listed off my top 20 favorite and influential animated TV Shows? Well… I missed one… technically, and that one is Gosho Aoyama’s murder mystery series Detective Conan.

Whyboy Spotlights… Rio

There has been a lot of animated movies through the years that have came and went without any sort of noise made about them. It happened with the Babe Ruth talking bat film Everyone’s Hero, it happened with Disney’s Meet The Robinsons and now we have Blue Sky’s latest movie series attempt Rio.

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