Social Media Durham College Scavenger Hunt

We end off our semester of social media with a scavenger hunt, taking pictures of every single photo listed by approaching people and asking them politely if we can take them. I do not like doing that. I always get the anxiety filled fear that I am bothering people when I ask for a favour especially if it is essentially a complete stranger. The hardest picture to get was for food as I kept getting turned down from taking a picture. No one I approached wanted to have such a picture taken, thankfully someone was eating donuts and I approached them right before they ate them and while they didn’t want a picture of them directly taken I could take a picture of their donuts and quote the thought that sharing donuts among us hard working students is good for morale.

The other pictures more or less came easily, apart from being unable to find a familiar professor to take a picture and interview. It’s definitely a nerve wracking experience to approach strangers so it forced myself to think deeply on working with the friendly connections I currently have and their school schedules to capture as many photos as I could while optimizing the unique angle each photo and response gives.

To view my whole collection you can find them all on my instagram account Here:


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