Tune In To ToonGrin Ad

ToonGrin.com is the brainchild of myself and my business partner Nero Angelus. We’ve built it up over many years, developing our brand of critical animation review and analysis as well as the production of original graphics and video editing for our creative clients. Over the last year we have been brainstorming means to advertise our content on YouTube and social media.  With this assignment, plus other circumstances that hindered my ability to work, I decided to take a chance and develop a less informational ad, unlike our old ToonGrin advertisement, and try and tackle it from an absurd point of view.

We’ve currently be experimenting incorporating a new series of puppet characters into our content. These characters being the potoo birds. An odd bird of the animal kingdom, with a trash can lid like beak, huge yellow bulgy eyeballs and high pitch squawk, we found ourselves endeared to the feathered weirdos so began work to incorporate them more. This is our first use of them in video form.

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