
When given the task to shoot 5 circles for this assignment I definitely had the first impression that it be fairly easy to do. Circles make up a lot of our daily lives. We drive on 4 of them every day when we go to work. So I mentally prepared myself to instead of thinking of the easy ways to get this assignment done I wanted to find circles and curves that were mildly obtuse to collect or were visually different from regular circles we initially think about.

The most mundane of the circle pictures me and Jordan shot were the pepperoni pizza, which admittedly was taken based on the available opportunity, and the big metal circle in the front yard of Durham College. It’s just the obvious picture to get when you are doing an assignment on circles. However it is such a grand image that it makes the perfect cover picture for the whole project.

The other 3 pictures taken were done out of an urge to go a bit beyond what I was asked. Look into finding the hidden patterns, the leading lines and ideal setups to create circles and curves that were more visually captivating. Laying on the ground to make the wheel of the bus seem larger then life and heavy. Finding the angle on the parked bike on ice to give it a sense of forward momentum. Finally getting the flash of inspiration to zoom in on a foggy doorknob to get an intriguing murky reflection. Circles and curves take up a lot of the world around us, I just wanted to find some interesting ways to capture those circles.

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