Whyboy Spotlights… Oishi High School Battle (Season 2)

Oishi High School Battle. A mixture of over the top anime tropes, blood, and live action animation making it one of Shut Up Cartoons headliner shows, alongside Smosh Babies, and Teleporting Fat Guy and it’s quite obvious why this show stands out.

Other then that reason. Oishi is the channel’s only show which uses Live Action animation, famously used in films like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and for the most part the animation interacts with the live action set pieces very well and allows for great comedic pacing and timing. To give my quick thoughts on Oishi’s 1st season’s animation on its own, it had a very sharp line work to everything, which made everything move more stiffly, but having the animation become more bold and distinct because of that stiffness compensated this. It was a style that I grew to enjoy, unlike the series premise, which I enjoyed from the beginning. Oishi High School Battle in season 1 was an episodic series, following the demon slaying kawaii cutie Oishi and her marshmallow pooping dog Noodles as they dealt with various high school problems; detention, boys, the tough girls and so on.

Season 2 by contrast has a serialized story with multiple story lines going throughout the ten-episode run. One storyline focusing on the aftermath of Noodles impregnating Oishi’s friend Tara’s face with his offspring. Another where Oishi deals with her boyfriend Mucusance and his increasingly horrible behavior and “wacky” antics (the type of wacky that ends with half the school dead.) And the C plot of Oishi’s dad slugging through his job selling useless office store crap. There’s even a few other small sub-plots sprinkled throughout the series and everything ties together really well, comedy and story wise. My gripe with Season 1 of the show was Oishi’s dad himself, he had a lot of comedic opportunity but he was left by the wayside in season 1. Season 2 is where this drunk, belligerent asshole gets a chance to really shine and show why he’s not only funny but hilarious.

Back to animation, unlike Season 1’s sharp style everything has become more rounded and bouncy which I find to be a great change. While the sharp style fit for the purpose of parody last time, there’s still the double edge sword effect that the share style may have fit but it still looked stiff. The rounder style by contrast allows for more impact to be shown in the character animation, and makes Oishi look like a cuter character. This style definitely feels a lot more clean then Season 1’s and I’m grateful that this update in quality occurred.

The last major aspect of the show to talk about is the characters. I’ve said many times that a stereotype can really work to a show/movie’s favor if that stereotype’s interactions flesh it out. The stereotypes in Oishi are nothing but excuses for interactions between them and Oishi’s mixed up Anime world. We have the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds and everyone else from the Saved by the Bell stereotype gang and their stereotyped personalities are pushed to the extreme and in the oddest way the extremes actually compliment the extreme anime archetypes of Oishi’s. Oishi herself is a very likable and extreme character as well, being very sweet and blunt while talking but now with a more teenage girl edge to her dialogue. My favorite line read is in episode 11 where she just tells Mucusance “Whatever.”

With Oishi’s new look and serial plotting, Season 2 of Oishi High School Battle has definitely reached the quality where I would recommend the show to anybody. If you’re into this cheesy humor, mixed with gory visual effects and boobs then check out Season 2 of Oishi High School Battle.

Written by: Taylor “Whyboy” Wyatt

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